Lee Swim 2009

There’s something about being there that makes me think that one day I might do it.  The mass start.  All that camaraderie.

Then I watch them swim down the Lee and notice how as their legs look a lot browner than the rest of their body.  In fact, there are times when you can’t see their bodies under the water at all.

No, I took my chance at an open water swim in Manly when the water was clear blue and 22 degrees.  And don’t give me all that about wet suits either.  I’m soft when it comes to cold water and I’m quite prepared to admit to it.

I’m not a totally lost cause.  There may be a time you see me down at Sandy Cove.  There are a couple of people trying to wear me down into getting in down there.  Roll on Global Warming.

Fair play to all the swimmers today (and to the spectators who braved the rain).

Lee Swim 2009
The clear brown waters of the River Lee

The Rock Pools of Sydney’s Northern Beaches

I have just added another gallery to the Australian Series of Galleries on my main site.  It features a selection of images taken of the Rock Pools around Manly.

High Tide Breaking into Freshwater Pool

The pools are characteristic of the beaches on Sydney’s northern coastline and each had a character of its own.  Many had lane markings and were used frequently by organised groups and indivduals in regular training.  Others were more like lidos.

As we spent our time around the local beaches I tried to capture the variety and characters of the pools and I have a comprehensive series of images as a result.  I plan to bring them together in a series of large composites.  The gallery has a selection of the images which give you the overall impression of the work.

The full link is http://www.roblambphoto.com/Australia/RockPools/RockPoolsGallery.htm
