See Me

More product photos in the office today.  They can be tricky: balancing out white / shiny / transparent materials on a 255-white background.

As usual, the trick is to get  as much done in-camera and not rely too much on post production for whiting out the background, controlling / eliminating shadows etc.

But sometimes there just isn’t anywhere to hide – especially when you’re photographing curved shiny things.

In the surface of this bottle top, you have: my main light, the pack which is alongside it and all of the office around the other side.  Now I screened off most of the office junk with some black card but in post I noticed this weird reflection.

On closer inspection: it’s ME!!! – my shirt and my hand on the shutter release.

Now I could go back and reshoot with the cable release or the self timer but I think in this case photoshop will do.

Although part of me wants to be immortalised with the product.