Frozen Out

By all accounts, it is a long time since the Lough froze over.  The best estimate I have had so far is 26 years.

Another cold night is upon us, take care out there if you have to travel.  Personally, I’ll be finishing off my Christmas cards by the fire.

Ice in the City

OK so it is cold, but it is beautiful out there.  We rugged the kids up and went out to find some ice in the garden.  We probably hadn’t been out there since the great floods so all the vessels we had left for rain water collection were still out there – only now they had a sheet of ice on their surface up to an inch thick in places.

We found a few interesting things trapped in cold storage:


All the kids enjoyed themselves but let’s just say that I’m glad I’m not a Barbie in our house.  It seemed a little cold for ice skating…

Barbie on Ice x2